Monday, April 21, 2008

Lost Babies

So, I've been really terrible about keep a good record on my knitting blog, and I just realized what a mistake that is. I just went back and looked at some of the things I've knitted, and I wish I had been more careful about taking pictures of all of it. It's FUN to see the old stuff. I wish I could move back to Japan and have time to knit like I used to. I'm not sure I properly appreciated the wealth of time I had over there. SO much time. I wish all of life was like that. Maybe when I die . . . or retire? The former will come too soon and is far too uncertain, the latter will probably never happen. I wish I could live parts of my life over again.

Anyway, my current project is the Side-Impact Sweater from Kira at Artfibers in SF. This is a great pattern, and I probably should have been done a long time ago, but school, work, and life always get in the way of my knitting (plus, I'm lazy). I'll post a picture of the sweater soon.